Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today is a lonely day. I have never felt so lonely, even when surrounded by friends and family. Today my husband has my little girl and it makes me sad because I miss her. She is my best pal. They are going out today and I wish I could go with them. Why do I always screw up the good things in life?

Friday, October 30, 2009

You know how people say that life will only get easier? My life isn't like that, actually its far from it. I seems like every time I finally get my life together, something else happens. I wish that life was easy, I wish life could be different, I wish that I could be the perfect person, and yet I'm not, I'm actually the farthest from it. I'm the person that if you need someone to look up to, I would be the perfect person to show what not to do! I guess it all started when I was little. I never felt like a good person. I never felt like I was good enough for my mom. She was always punishing me, physically and mentally. But my dad seemed to still love me, no matter what, but he never was around. I would pray for my dad to come home and he never did. This was what started my whole rebellious stage.
More to come.....